Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Happy Birthday Gift - Enhanced Cupcake from Target

I bought this cupcake at Target bakery.  It was sold in the plastic container. 

 I took the cupcake out of the plastic, cut a small round hole in the top of the container.  I added a candle and some matching sugar sprinkles to the cupcake.

Candles (from the Dollar Store) come in blue, green and red as well as pink.  So I could have chosen, for example, a blue chandelle and blue sugar sprinkles to decorate my cupcake instead of the pink.
Next I took a 20" piece of wired garland and twisted it into a spiral shape.
Finally, I put the cupcake back into its plastic container, closed the top and laid the garland over the top. 
Below are birthday bags just the right size for this cupcake.  They also came from Target in the card department.
Or if your cupcake has been decorated with red, green or blue you could use this bag:
Now you have a beautiful, unique, personalized b-day cupcake ready to present and certain to bring a smile from its recipient, knowing that you care about them.

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